Varicose or spider veins can affect your look. Such veins can lead to serious discomfort. Some veins can be risky and cause complications such as open sores or blood clot on your legs. There are some minimally invasive Vein Treatment In San Diego available that can aid to fade or remove leg veins. Some treatments can also reduce symptoms such as fatigue and pain and stop complications.

Why people get leg veins?
Spider and varicose veins are injured veins. People usually develop them when one-way and small valves within the veins grow weaker. In fit veins, these valves drive blood to the heart. When these valves grow weaker, some blood drives in the rear direction and gets collected in the veins. Additional blood inside the vein puts burden on the vein’s walls. The walls of the veins get bulge and weaken with non-stop pressure. This is the time when spider or varicose veins appear. A number of people develop these veins because they stand or sit for longer hours daily, whereas, some people develop them because they have blood relatives who are having this problem. Vein problems can also be occurred due to an injury, hormonal changes or sunlight.
Common treatment options for leg veins
Options for Vein Treatment San Diego vary from minor surgery to self-care. A doctor may suggest any one of the below treatments -
- Sclerotherapy:this is considered as the most typical treatment options for leg veins. With time, doctors have perk up the sclerotherapy for making it safer and provide good results. Presently, doctors are using this treatment method for treating small varicose and spider veins.
- Compression stockings:stockings are helpful to put pressure for driving the blood to the heart. The constant pressure of stockings helps to reduce swelling as well as decreasing the risk of having a blood clot. If a patient requires compression stockings, a doctor can assess him/her so that the patient receive the right amount of pressure and correct size.
- Self-care: your doctor can share some useful DIY San Diego Vein Treatment methods, like
- You should not take hot shower for long amount of time
- If you tend to stand for long hours then you should take rest after every 30 minutes.
- If you tend to sit for long hours then you should rise and walk around after every 30 minutes
- You should elevate your legs
- You should do some exercises
- Laser treatments: lasers are the most common Spider Vein Treatment In San Diego. During this method, your doctor flow the laser light at your affected veins. Tiny spider veins may fade away right after the treatment. Bigger varicose and spider veins will get darker and you will expected to notice them for one to three months before they vanish. You may require three or more laser sessions for get rid of these veins. Some patients can get back to their normal routine post the treatment. After the treatment, patients are suggested to wear compression stockings for some period of time.
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